IEEE Region 9 (Latin America) / Director-Elect, 2024-2025


(Nominated by Petition)



Autonomous University of Mexico City

Advanced Networking Laboratory



Jose-Ignacio Castillo has 27 years of experience in computer networks & telecommunications. He participated in 110 national & international projects.

Since 2008 Castillo is a tenured Professor at Autonomous University of Mexico City as head of Advanced Network Laboratory. Castillo was a visitor Professor for the University of Army in México (UDEFA), The Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM) Salesian Polytechnical University (UPS-Ecuador), BUAP, UPAEP & UTM. Castillo wrote 50 conference & journal papers, 4 books related to computer networks and leadership. He offered 171 keynote & invited talks. He lectured 138 courses for grade and postgrade. He is referee for IEEE & SPRINGER journals and conferences.

As practitioner he worked with TELMEX-REDUNO, The Federal Electoral Institute, and DICINET. He participated with ISO / IEC 27000 committees.

As consultant he works with DATACENTER DYNAMICS. He studied MSc. & BSc. in Electronics [with honors] by B. Autonomous University of Puebla Mexico.


As Regional Director, I will use my 21 years of volunteering experience in IEEE with more than 30 official and no official positions to focus my team activities on 5 main actions.

1. To maintain continuity with projects established in past, making resilient and making new ones our team will implement a maturity model and regular assessment for projects to face the growing challenges in a changing world.

2. With my experience in academy, our team will work for diversifying the IEEE Latin American Transactions to making grow the production and quality.

3. With my experience in industry, our team will work in the creation of IEEE-R9 Consultants Data Base to attract potential consultants and to increase the practitioner’s participation.

4. Using my experience in projects, our team will share products such as books, programs and tutorials to those community members preferring some products in Spanish and Portuguese.

5. Our region needs to make and implement a long-range plan for development using maturity levels which can help all sections to face 2030 and beyond.

IEEE Accomplishments and Activities



        Championing to get the 5th Module from IEEE E-Scientia Initiative for R9 to be located at Universum Museum in Mexico, for 50,000 USD (2012-2015).

        Conversion of Latin America Transaction Editor in Chief as a regular committee member for R9 Board (2012).

Region 9 (Latin America)/ Section

– IEEE IoT & AI challenge Committee  (2023)

– IEEE E-Scientia Task Force Member (2012-2015)

– Regional Secretary (2012-2013)

– Virtual Regional Meeting Administrator (2010-2013)

– Strategic Planning Committee member (2009-2013)

– Virtual Communities Ad-Hoc Committee Chair (2008-2009)

– Virtual Communities Ad-Hoc Committee member (2007)

Mexican Council:

– History Committee Chair (2023)

– Webmaster (2008-2009)

– Autonomous University of Mexico City, Student Branch Counselor (2009-2018)


IEEE Computer Society

– Morelos Chapter Chair (2022-2023)

– Distinguished Visitor Program Com. Member (2018)

– Distinguished Lecturer (DVP-2015-2017)

– Network LAN & MAN STC member (2013-2014)

– Cloud Computing STC member (2013-2014)

– Audit Committee Chair (2013)

– Audit Committee member (2012)

– Board of Governors member (2012-2014)

– Golden Core Member (2011)

– Board of Governors member (2011)

– Autonomous University of Mexico City, C16 SB Chap. Adv. (2011-2018)

– Ibero American University (Mexico City), C16 SB Chap. Adv. (2011-2012).

IEEE R9 Communications Soc.

– Technical Activities Chair (2018-2019)

– Secretary (2016-2017)

– Membership Development Chair (2016-2017)


– Best Education Paper Award – IEEE ANDESCON (2022)

 -Best Paper Award – IEEE ANDESCON (2020)

– Chair of Symposium IEEE Latin America & Industry (2013).

– Chair of the 1st Conference in Latin America related to cloud computer (LASCCDCN), supported by Computer Society and R9 (2012).

– Chair of Symposium IEEE Latin America & Industry (2012)

– NoticIEEEro Editor in Chief (2010-2011).

– NoticIEEEro Editor (2008-2009).

-Editorial Committee M, IEEE Latin American Transactions (2008-2015).

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